Sunday, May 17, 2020


Day 40 Circuit Breaker: Ma La Xiang Guo Beef 

After 1 month staying away from beef, I finally surrendered to my cravings for beef. Also added rainbow diet of vegetables for my chakra health. 🌈🌈🌈 Added bittergourd, brinjal, potatoes, bell peppers, carrot and garnished with coriander and additional garlic. Yes I love garlic. Apparently garlic (yellow) is good for solar plexus chakra. This chakra is closely related to personal power, self-worth and self-esteem; the ability to master thoughts and emotions. Dress sharp, stand tall and speak up. I am enough!

The Captain asked, "Why is it all your beef dishes look so good?" 😁
Rainbow MLXG for my healthy Chakras 😍

The foodgasm verdict: 8/10

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